Money-Saving Heating and Air Conditioning Tips

There are many ways to save on your heating and air conditioning bills. 

Set up a reminder on your smartphone to change your return air AC filters every 90 days.  Purchase a box of them at your favorite store and keep them on hand.  The size of the filters is clearly labeled for you to purchase the same type.  Take a snapshot of the filter size on your smartphone for a reminder.  Clean AC filters allow your system to run efficiently and more importantly – you breathe clean air!  Hot Tip: subscribe to a filter replacement service online and change your filters when the replacements arrive. You will have paid for them so you’ll want to install them. 

Is your AC system old and in need of replacement?  Always obtain at least three quotes and compare the line items.  While you are unlikely to purchase the parts for your AC listed on the bid, you can at least google search the part and determine how much it’s being marked up.  Do your research and ensure you are paying a fair price.  Compare labor rates on service calls and try to reconstruct the bid.  How long is each quote allowing for the job to complete?  Find out if you’re being gouged and push back where you find issues.  There is a bit of bad news in that if your system is outdated and parts of it fail, that you may be required to install an entirely new complete system.  Be aware and do your research before accepting the news as fact.

Air Conditioning Maintenance

Do your research on AC brands!  Do you remember when American car brands used to come from the same factory but were branded as different makes and model names?  AC manufacturers also use multiple brands but are from the same manufacturing lines. 

Air Conditioner

Why do we mention this?  At the end of the day, you can purchase an efficient AC system yet it may be undersized or installed improperly.  The top of the line system doesn’t matter if the AC contractor or repair company does not take their time and do the job right!  Look for deviations and warning signs of how long your technician quotes in his bid for the work to be done.  Can one company do the job in a day but the other does it in 2?  Ask them how long they spend dehydrating the system to eliminate moisture?  How long is the warranty for?  What does the warranty include?  How long is the manufacturer’s warranty vs. their warranty? 

Air Conditioning Inspection
Air Conditioning inspection and maintenance will ensure your system runs as efficiently as possible.  As with any piece of mechanical equipment, proper maintenance is needed to ensure longevity and trouble-free operation for your HVAC unit. Continued proper maintenance is required by all manufacturers to protect their warranty.  Keeping up with ongoing maintenance and AC tune-ups helps to avoid system failure during severe hot and cold weather when you need your unit the most. Proper maintenance also aids in energy efficiency and helps to keep your monthly bill from spiraling out of control. We hope the article has prompted you to ask your HVAC company questions.  We look forward to servicing your heating and cooling needs.